Parenting support workshops
Parent baby massages
Nurture the bond of love and support your child’s development
Meet your child, otherwise
Parenting support workshops allow a privileged and unique meeting with your child.
Touch your baby through a massage combining technical gestures designed by specialists and a framework promoting respect and internal security, it’s rediscovering it and getting to its level, that of non-verbal communication, which allows you to communicate emotions without words.
At any age, massage your child, this strengthens and nourishes the parent/child bond, that he was, or not, undermined (separation due to extreme prematurity, trauma in one's own childhood, single parenthood…).
Strengthen self-confidence
For young parents, especially with a first child, the workshops allow you to tame this new little being who will now be part of your life, learn to touch and handle it for daily care. It’s about better understanding your desires and needs and responding to them in a more appropriate way., and therefore gain self-confidence.
Most workshops are done in small groups of 4 has 5 adults with their child, it’s also an opportunity to meet other parents, who also ask themselves a lot of questions and share moments of doubt like you, of discouragement, of fears. It’s a time to regain self-confidence by seeing the universality of the difficulties of being a parent, a moment when I accompany you to accept them as intrinsic to being a parent, then to surpass them.
Massage your child, it also means preventing and reducing postpartum depression for mothers.
Meeting unique yet universal needs
Massage of babies and children has existed in all cultures since the dawn of time. Long absent in the West, it came back in force a few decades ago, but slow to develop.
And yet… by taming this new touch, the parent :
- meets security needs, of love, and consideration of the baby
- stimulates the senses and awakens body awareness, at any age
- stimulates and strengthens its digestive systems, immune and nervous
- Soothes and regulates his sleep
- teaches him to dose the stimulations to move towards relaxation
- reduces classic disorders in babies: colic, constipations…
Massage your child, it is thus supporting them towards progressive autonomy and harmonious development.

Massage workshop containing very small items
(0 -5 Month)
individually or in a group

Baby Sensitive Gestalt® Massage Workshop
(6 has 15 month)
individually or in a group